- CATEGORYRestaurant
- LOCATIONLisboa, Portugal
- TOTAL AREA182.0 m2
The Coffee Grill restaurant is located in the historical centre of Lisbon. The new place represents an eclectic haute cuisine and fascinating, chatty interior. To keep a history of the beautiful ancient building, part of which is the two-level space of a restaurant, the authors of the project opened and restored earlier hidden wooden overlappings, restored the mezzanine, and windows, and cleared and left open a natural stone of external walls.
Traditionally for interiors from Galant ID, scandalous quotes from industrial esthetics contrasting with the comfortable stylized furniture were included in the interior. During the creation of elements of the warm local lighting complex, the designer used plafonds of ancient chandeliers and details of industrial lamps from the last century. According to the plan of the designers, this vintage interior is in absolute harmony with atmospheric Lisbon's small streets, the look of which opens from high windows of the restaurant.